Dimensional Stability

What is Dimensional stability Warpage and distortion is often a big problem in injection moulded HDPE in particular. It is inherent due mainly to rearrangement of the polymer chains into a partially crystalline matrix, requiring less space than the molten polymer....

Prisma Group Celebrates 30 Years In Business!

Celebrating 30 Years in Business! A remarkable amount has changed since the start-up of Prisma Colour in 1991. The company has gone from strength to strength in the last thirty years, growing to create new products, enter new markets, and integrate acquisitions that...

Prisma Rubber Additives’ Admix Range

Prisma Rubber Additives’ Admix Range   Prisma Rubber Additives’ range of products are commonly referred to as powdered oils or dry blends. They are high activity concentrates of liquids widely used throughout the polymer industry. The liquids...

Prisma’s Latest Members!

Prisma’s Latest Members! With the new factory move completed in 2020, Prisma Colour has brought in a number of new colleagues in the past few months to assist with the further growth of the business. We send a warm welcome to each of them and wish them well in...