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Aqueous Pigment Dispersions

The Prismasperse-W Aqueous Pigment Dispersion Standard Range

Prisma colours Prismasperse-W range is an extensive portfolio of multi-compatible aqueous pigment dispersions, each meticulously formulated to ensure consistent quality and reliable results. These are finely dispersed pigment preparations with high tinting strengths provided in an easy-to-handle liquid form.

The range below includes some commonly used pigment types but is by no means exhaustive. If you have specific requirements for other pigment C.I. number dispersions please let us know and we can provide further details tailored to your needs.

Regulatory Compliance

Navigating the complex regulatory framework for Food Contact materials and addressing growing environmental and consumer concerns, Prisma collaborates with suppliers to develop customised, cost-effective, and compliant materials. Our products can be manufactured to meet carious standards including but not limited to:

Government Requirements:

  • BfR: XXXVI Paper and board for food contact
  • FDA: 21 CFR 176-170 and 180 for paper and paperboard in contact with aqueous and fatty foods
  • GB 9685-2016: Chinese Hygiene Standard for Food Containers & Packaging

Consumer Compliance:

  • Nordic Swan
  • Eco label/Flower
  • Blue Angel









Please note the colours shown above are just meant as a guide and may not match the final colour achieved as this will be application dependent.

Contact Us Today!

Our experts are ready to assist you in selecting the aqueous dispersion solution most suited for your specific needs.

Contact us today by phone or send us an enquiry, and discover how we can be the perfect match for your business


The Thornsett Trading Estate,
Birch Vale,
High Peak,
SK22 1AH
United Kingdom


+44 (0) 1457 856 505
